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One more set of photos from Redwater, this time located at the Redwater river trestle. The train is the same as in my previous 2018 SD40 photo. Not much has changed in 32 years. Overhead powerlines are gone, trees have grown or been cut, barrels are removed from the trestle. Oh Yeah, and no caboose :-).
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Parks all rights reserved.

Caption: One more set of photos from Redwater, this time located at the Redwater river trestle. The train is the same as in my previous 2018 SD40 photo. Not much has changed in 32 years. Overhead powerlines are gone, trees have grown or been cut, barrels are removed from the trestle. Oh Yeah, and no caboose :-).

L. Parks [313] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/27/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5293 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Redwater trestle (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38411
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Photo ID: 37218

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  1. What is this train carrying? Aggregate? This looks like coal hoppers. Coke?
    Nothing like this went up that way 20 plus years ago.

  2. They were empty when they went rolling by. My first time back in nearly 20 years, totally out of touch with operations on this branch now. I can’t believe how much of the Coronado Sub. has been abandoned east of Kerensky. It’s basically a stub to the Woodgrove elevator.

  3. Very interesting trestle and perspective

  4. Thanks Jason. I know they are not much to look at but I believe this trestle must be of some age. I suspect it saw a lot of steam activity in the past. I Always like finding things on the R/W which are still being used today, though many decades old.
    As I’m typing, my memory is working. Along rivers like this in central Alberta you can find plenty of Garter snakes. I had 3 young boys in 1986 and we would be catching snakes while waiting for trains. :-)

  5. Pretty sure these are for Petroleum Coke, for export, from The Fort

  6. I was think coke too, but that would require trucking from the fort to Lac Labiche (?). Isn’t the Waterways sub long gone?
    How much oil refining is going on up there at the edge of the world? I did not see a coke stockpile on Google

  7. Coke empties headed for re loading at Waterways.

  8. Thanks Trevor for putting to rest the question of the empty cars.

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