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A large bull elk crosses over the busy Edson Sub at Henry House to go and meet his three brothers that just did the same as Q143 comes barreling down the north track with a pair of C40-8s leading.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Tim Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: A large bull elk crosses over the busy Edson Sub at Henry House to go and meet his three brothers that just did the same as Q143 comes barreling down the north track with a pair of C40-8s leading.

Tim Stevens [278] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/10/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2120 (search)
Train Symbol: CN Q14352 09 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Henry House (Edson Sub) (search)
City/Town: Jasper (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39420
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Photo ID: 38226

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  1. Neat catch, Tim.

  2. does the crew blow the horn in hopes of moving this beast along?

  3. @snake2…of course we do. None of us want to hit any type of animal, but sadly it happens :-(

  4. A bull elk? As dangerous as the Bull Moose? I believe a Bull Moose could do some damage to the front end of a C40-8. ;)

  5. This is a gem of an image. EXCELLENT work, Tim.

  6. Our elk friend here seems more concerned with Tim than with the approaching train.

  7. The thread on 235 reminded me that I found myself thinking about this shot of yours the other day (quite the litmus test if I can remember one for more than a few days yet alone months), and that I’d never commented at the time. Anyways, easily one of my favourite shots on the site since I started contributing.

  8. Qualifies for the Fantastic! page.

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