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I was sitting in my usual spot waiting for an early CP 140 when my phone rang. Mr. Host informed me that CP 246 had a rebuilt CP 7006 leading. Well every other effort to get one of these rebuilds has ended up broke down, or trailing, so off I went to Guelph Junction. I shot CP 140 so I sat wondering where to get the CP 246 and I recalled looking at Arnold's picture earlier in the day. A few things changed with the "Guelph Junction" sign replaced by the "Campbellville" sign, the trees and foliage are a little higher and grown in and there are gates on the crossing just behind me but the spot is a very good shooting location.
CP 7006 with CP 3063 and CP 8608 pour the power on as they head south down the Hamilton sub for a stop at Kinnear.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Purdy all rights reserved.

Caption: I was sitting in my usual spot waiting for an early CP 140 when my phone rang. Mr. Host informed me that CP 246 had a rebuilt CP 7006 leading. Well every other effort to get one of these rebuilds has ended up broke down, or trailing, so off I went to Guelph Junction. I shot CP 140 so I sat wondering where to get the CP 246 and I recalled looking at Arnold's picture earlier in the day. A few things changed with the "Guelph Junction" sign replaced by the "Campbellville" sign, the trees and foliage are a little higher and grown in and there are gates on the crossing just behind me but the spot is a very good shooting location.CP 7006 with CP 3063 and CP 8608 pour the power on as they head south down the Hamilton sub for a stop at Kinnear.

Bill Purdy [409] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/24/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 7006 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 246 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hamilton sub (search)
City/Town: Campbellville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39819
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Photo ID: 38620

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  1. Very nice, Bill. And now you can bother said Mr. Host about a time machine installment considering our combined photos span more than 20 years !!! :o )

  2. Please, not yet. I need my egg nog first. Snakes bringin’ the rum

  3. Yeah? I think you had better have someone else sample it first. :o 0

  4. Bill and nice photo. I tried ‘chasing’ to at least Campbellville Rd (In the old days, very easy if train was short enough) but now they have the higher speed track at the Jct – so he was already doing about 40 and mostly clear of the road by the time I got there. Decided chasing on the Hamilton will be futile so I went straight to Newman and chased in Hamilton instead to get my fill. At least I had the rest of the day off work to do it :)

  5. Mr. Host should have finished his egg nog and rum by now Arnold. Ha. It sure looks like a time machine entry to me.

  6. Easy now, Bill. He is overpaid and underworked. He will get around to it……….:o)

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