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Very nice, Bill. And now you can bother said Mr. Host about a time machine installment considering our combined photos span more than 20 years !!!
Please, not yet. I need my egg nog first. Snakes bringin’ the rum
Yeah? I think you had better have someone else sample it first.
Bill and nice photo. I tried ‘chasing’ to at least Campbellville Rd (In the old days, very easy if train was short enough) but now they have the higher speed track at the Jct – so he was already doing about 40 and mostly clear of the road by the time I got there. Decided chasing on the Hamilton will be futile so I went straight to Newman and chased in Hamilton instead to get my fill. At least I had the rest of the day off work to do it
Mr. Host should have finished his egg nog and rum by now Arnold. Ha. It sure looks like a time machine entry to me.
Easy now, Bill. He is overpaid and underworked. He will get around to it……….:o)