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VIA 6446 is seen here leading 4 other F40s and 10 assorted budd cars on an equipment move (numbered as VIA #7) destined for either Winnipeg or Vancouver. They are seen here proceeding east through mile 21 of the CN York Sub pretty much matching the exact route and timing of The Canadian (remember that thing??). I believe this is the first time a VIA has traversed the York since they were forced to cancel the Canadian at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as all the other equipment moves VIA ran in 2020 used the Bala from its starting point instead of Doncaster. I was told that the reason they took the more sophisticated route today was due to ongoing bridge work on the Bala in the Don Valley.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Liam MacDougall all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA 6446 is seen here leading 4 other F40s and 10 assorted budd cars on an equipment move (numbered as VIA #7) destined for either Winnipeg or Vancouver. They are seen here proceeding east through mile 21 of the CN York Sub pretty much matching the exact route and timing of The Canadian (remember that thing??). I believe this is the first time a VIA has traversed the York since they were forced to cancel the Canadian at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as all the other equipment moves VIA ran in 2020 used the Bala from its starting point instead of Doncaster. I was told that the reason they took the more sophisticated route today was due to ongoing bridge work on the Bala in the Don Valley.

Liam MacDougall [151] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/21/2021 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6446 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 7 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN York Sub mile 20 (search)
City/Town: Toronto - Thornhill (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45106
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Photo ID: 43868

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  1. It was announced yesterday that VIA will now be running the Canadian Toronto – Vancouver again once a week beginning in May. Some restrictions still in effect. The first westbound trip is set for Sunday, May 23.

  2. Its about time. Would be nice if they put respectable fares to it as well. Passengers should not be forced to pay premium fares for shoddy service as the Half Canadian is known for already.

  3. Liam, a very nice and very welcome picture ! Wonderful news that will bring back opportunities such as this one to photograph a classic passenger with Budd built sleeping cars, dining cars, dome cars, in the Toronto area. And 5 F40’s no less ! Were they all operating or were some of them being moved dead ? Thanks for posting, John

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