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Train 215 with 3 C424s for power is shown arriving in Capreol, Ontario on Saturday, May 28 1972.  This train handled mostly piggyback traffic, but was regularly filled out with other westbound cars.  Units are 3209, 3213, and 3214.  The use of 3 C424s/GP35s/GP40s in any combination was common at this time on priority trains before the GP40-2L(W)s arrived in 1974.
Copyright Notice: This image ©First954 all rights reserved.

Caption: Train 215 with 3 C424s for power is shown arriving in Capreol, Ontario on Saturday, May 28 1972. This train handled mostly piggyback traffic, but was regularly filled out with other westbound cars. Units are 3209, 3213, and 3214. The use of 3 C424s/GP35s/GP40s in any combination was common at this time on priority trains before the GP40-2L(W)s arrived in 1974.

First954 [272] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/28/1972 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3209 (search)
Train Symbol: 215 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Capreol (search)
City/Town: Capreol (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45193
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Photo ID: 43955

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Awesome!

  2. Tremendous!! Is it my imagination or is it even back then they put the grubby units on the lead? :o )

  3. @AW..lol i used to ask the shop staff to purposely put the grubbiest locomotive on the point just to piss off the foamers :-) Kidding..sorta

  4. And to think I was going to post something nice for you…now I am not so sure.
    Seriously I have often wondered why the clean unit always seemed to be trailing.

  5. Back then, as I’m certain it still is today, “if it loads, it goes!!” And if it doesn’t load, isolate it and send it anyway. Dirty units pull just as well as clean units. Thanks for the comments!!

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