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Originally a part of the Algoma Eastern Railroad, the track from here once extended all the way to South Baymouth. It was cut back years ago to serve what I believe was a quarry, but I could be wrong, nevertheless by my trip in 2001 there was no service beyond the paper mill in Espanola and I believe the rest of the rails were slowly being removed. There were no complaints this day as a former SP SD45 and ex Chessie GP9 came into view while working the paper mill. Unfortunately not too long after the veteran EMD's were replaced with former CN GP40-2W's and all of HCRY's lines have had a questionable existence, always on the brink of ending operations. For now operations continue but its always a question of for how long.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: Originally a part of the Algoma Eastern Railroad, the track from here once extended all the way to South Baymouth. It was cut back years ago to serve what I believe was a quarry, but I could be wrong, nevertheless by my trip in 2001 there was no service beyond the paper mill in Espanola and I believe the rest of the rails were slowly being removed. There were no complaints this day as a former SP SD45 and ex Chessie GP9 came into view while working the paper mill. Unfortunately not too long after the veteran EMD's were replaced with former CN GP40-2W's and all of HCRY's lines have had a questionable existence, always on the brink of ending operations. For now operations continue but its always a question of for how long.

Marcus W Stevens [1073] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/01/2001 (search)
Railway: Huron Central Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: HCRY 462 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Little current sub. (search)
City/Town: Espanola (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46474
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  1. For sure a nice catch. When I was there last, the rails went no farther south than the plant, as you mentioned. For a while I thought even the plant would be mothballed, for such is the (lack of) support of the Northern reaches of Ontario.

  2. The AE went to Little Current never made it to South Baymouth I believe !

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