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A few days earlier on Sunday afternoon, (July 17th) at 14:00, this extra auxiliary train passed through Redwater as it headed up north. The day of this photo, (July 21st) Thursday at 9:15, it is coming home and the 4603 just passed through Gibbons a couple of miles back. They are on the last big curve that then straightens and goes due south 12.5 miles to connect with the Vegreville Sub at St. Paul Jct. A caboose (they had 2 when heading out) and coach 54957 were left up north and did not return until several days later. The dark countryside behind the caboose is the Sturgeon valley and they are climbing the last bit of grade up from it.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Seth B. all rights reserved.

Caption: A few days earlier on Sunday afternoon, (July 17th) at 14:00, this extra auxiliary train passed through Redwater as it headed up north. The day of this photo, (July 21st) Thursday at 9:15, it is coming home and the 4603 just passed through Gibbons a couple of miles back. They are on the last big curve that then straightens and goes due south 12.5 miles to connect with the Vegreville Sub at St. Paul Jct. A caboose (they had 2 when heading out) and coach 54957 were left up north and did not return until several days later. The dark countryside behind the caboose is the Sturgeon valley and they are climbing the last bit of grade up from it.

Seth B. [315] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/21/1988 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4603 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 4603 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Gibbons (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=48491
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Photo ID: 47217

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  1. Beauty shot! Always nice to see OCS equipment. Thanks for posting. :-)

  2. Such a sucker I am for NAR stuff. Nice shot !!

  3. Thanks fellows. :-)
    I made a check on these 2 units, the 4603 was converted to slug 254 and the 4217 to the 7255 and it seems they are both not retired yet. It’s good to read that they are still out there working.

  4. Calendar quality shot….great lash up, and the yellow flowers (canola ?) makes the image pop

  5. Thanks Mr. Klaucker. :-)
    You’re correct, that’s a field of Canola. Very lovely early in summer. A different story in fall time and it is drying in the fields. Don’t want any rain then, you’ll be holding your nose as you drive by.

  6. Amazing shot!!! This would be just off Crowsnest road crossing.

  7. Yes, I’m just to the west of where Crownest (RgeRd234) and Vista (TwpRd560) intersect.
    Thanks for your comment bcr_766. :-)

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