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I may have been late to the show for this green bean nestled in Ontario, but it's still running out of Brantford and has thus far survived enough rounds of power swaps that it begs the question of when CN will do its overdue 90-day inspection. Its partner is now 4791, and this particular run on Labor Day was unusually late, departing Brantford after 9am, had a lengthy lunch break in Hagersville, and did almost 2 hours of work at CGC. They only got into Caledonia on their northbound leg after 4:30 pm, and the crew being over 10 hours on the job, could often result in a tie-down for safekeeping. Fortunately, L581 relieved the train and would take on the responsibility of bringing L580's train back to Brantford. The low-level lighting here perfectly highlights how late they were as they began entering the outskirts of Brantford in the neighborhood of Cainsville at around 6.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Eric Fallas all rights reserved.

Caption: I may have been late to the show for this green bean nestled in Ontario, but it's still running out of Brantford and has thus far survived enough rounds of power swaps that it begs the question of when CN will do its overdue 90-day inspection. Its partner is now 4791, and this particular run on Labor Day was unusually late, departing Brantford after 9am, had a lengthy lunch break in Hagersville, and did almost 2 hours of work at CGC. They only got into Caledonia on their northbound leg after 4:30 pm, and the crew being over 10 hours on the job, could often result in a tie-down for safekeeping. Fortunately, L581 relieved the train and would take on the responsibility of bringing L580's train back to Brantford. The low-level lighting here perfectly highlights how late they were as they began entering the outskirts of Brantford in the neighborhood of Cainsville at around 6.

Eric Fallas [55] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/04/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: BNSF 2098 (search)
Train Symbol: CN L58031 04 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 31.84 Hagersville Sub (search)
City/Town: Cainsville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52878
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Photo ID: 51570

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  1. You got superb lighting for this chase. Nicely placed.

  2. But that nice ‘new’ green door is always open…

  3. BNSF = Brantford Not So Fast

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