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Just when the new highline CNR Halton sub was finished, so was the old CNR Milton station and the crossing tower seen in the distance. Luckily the station still exists but the tower and small freight shed are long gone. Taken from my fathers collection.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Peter Lokun all rights reserved.

Caption: Just when the new highline CNR Halton sub was finished, so was the old CNR Milton station and the crossing tower seen in the distance. Luckily the station still exists but the tower and small freight shed are long gone. Taken from my fathers collection.

Peter Lokun [36] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/23/1971 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CNR Halton sub (search)
City/Town: Milton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53610
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Photo ID: 52298

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  1. Great scene.

  2. Where was the station before it was moved?

  3. Very nice. I see one of those once common CNR “Do Not Trespass” signs on the left.

  4. Unbelievable photo! Simply excellent.

  5. chai sell- Bronte street north of Main Street Milton, next to the old Robertsons screw driver plant

  6. I visited this location a few years back, not much left except there are tracks still in place running north from the creek bridge.

    Remains of the CPR spur to the screw factory.

  7. Very nice. The building immediately north of the station was the Signal Maintainer’s Shop which survived into the early 2000’s. I wonder who retrieved the Canadian National Telegraph and Cable Office sign?

  8. What a great historical image !!

  9. A very historical picture, capturing a wonderful branchline era that was to shortly disappear for ever. Thank you very much for sharing, John

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