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The day before this was taken, every foamer in Ontario was out shooting what we all thought would be the final train on the former NS&T trackage in St Catharines, Ontario. Well, an oil leak on 1859 gave us an extra chance at getting those final shots in. On March 1st, 2024, the final train was sent down the Grantham Spur, and in true Merritton Madness fashion, RTC held them so they could meet with a CN freight, that being CN 421. The Niagara faithful, and other enthusiasts got to watch this sight once more, as they also met with a GO train just as they departed Merritton one final time. This was a tough move to watch, as since I have memories, I watched Trillium on this line. It's what got me into the hobby. This line saw a few trackmobile movements since, moving boilers from Trenergy, but since then it's been nothing more than a collection of weeds.
Copyright Notice: This image ©doctapinklaces all rights reserved.

Caption: The day before this was taken, every foamer in Ontario was out shooting what we all thought would be the final train on the former NS&T trackage in St Catharines, Ontario. Well, an oil leak on 1859 gave us an extra chance at getting those final shots in. On March 1st, 2024, the final train was sent down the Grantham Spur, and in true Merritton Madness fashion, RTC held them so they could meet with a CN freight, that being CN 421. The Niagara faithful, and other enthusiasts got to watch this sight once more, as they also met with a GO train just as they departed Merritton one final time. This was a tough move to watch, as since I have memories, I watched Trillium on this line. It's what got me into the hobby. This line saw a few trackmobile movements since, moving boilers from Trenergy, but since then it's been nothing more than a collection of weeds.

doctapinklaces [73] (more) (contact)
Date: 3/1/24 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: TRRY 1859 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Grimbsy Sub, Grantham Spur (search)
City/Town: Merritton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54866
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Photo ID: 53544

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  1. Great capture, docta. Being someone who lived in St. Catharines for 30 years and have now been out of it for 25, I tend to take pics of anything north of Merritton for granted. But your caption says it all……the North End simply is no more. Hard to believe. Thanks for posting a great memorial shot.

  2. Very nicely done !

  3. Very nice.

  4. Thanks everyone. It is pretty tough to come to terms with still.

  5. Too bad, Docta. Now you have only the same old stuff I put up with every day. 422, 421, AMTK and GO. Geez.

  6. Great memorial shot…sad to see it go but emblematic of St. Kitts….there just isn’t enough traffic these days to keep it going

  7. Theres a rumor the city wants to railbank the line for future industry use.
    The rail is light and ties in poor shape so CN may get rid of it cheaply as scrap value is low.
    Time will tell!

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