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CN ES44AC 3836 shoves CN's "Trident" firefighting train eastward from Mile 231 on CN's Edson Sub to assist in battling the "North" fire of the Jasper Wildfire Complex.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Tim Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: CN ES44AC 3836 shoves CN's "Trident" firefighting train eastward from Mile 231 on CN's Edson Sub to assist in battling the "North" fire of the Jasper Wildfire Complex.

Tim Stevens [278] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/23/2024 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3836 (search)
Train Symbol: CN W91051 23 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 230.9 CN Edson Sub (search)
City/Town: Jasper (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54888
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Photo ID: 53566

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  1. Holy crap.

  2. I’m speechless.

  3. Seconding Todd’s comment. Excellent work documenting this.

  4. There must be some photography ‘contest’ this image could sweep up awards at.

  5. You have to experience a forest fire up close to really understand its fury!

  6. Wow.
    Top Shot.
    The Fire Fighter on the ground appears to be directing the FF operation.
    Anyone know if the personnel aboard the hose platform are CN employees or Fire Fighters?

  7. Based on the jackets I would say firefighters

  8. I’d suggest this photo should be considered for an rp.ca’s editors choice award for 2024….based on composition, teamwork, and the event at hand.

  9. I don’t think Steve would appreciate me swearing on here, so I’m simply give this a “holy mackinaw”… just crazy.

  10. Spectacular!
    CN’s fire fighting trains and on-board personnel are described in this news article ….

  11. Thanks Paul!

  12. Here’s a couple of views of CN’s original Fire Fighting Train ‘Poseidon’. CNFD 100004, CNFD 100005, and CNFD 100006

  13. This capture deserves to be a ‘banner’ shot.

  14. It’s now a banner shot :) This has to be one of the most dramatic railway photos I’ve ever seen.

  15. Having followed your work for years, I thought I had reached a place where “Holy crap” wasn’t likely to be a reaction. I was wrong. You made the railroad huge, powerful and vulnerable in one shot. It’s brilliant.

  16. good job!!

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