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Westward from Ladysmith, Crown Zellerbach’s log-haul railway ascended to Nanaimo Lakes, so what was rain down at Ladysmith often fell as snow farther up.  That was the case on Wednesday 1976-02-25 as ALCo RS-3 4097 (ex D&H 4117) hauled empty log flats across a timber trestle over Boulder Creek at mileage 12.2 enroute a reload up at Nanaimo Lakes.

An unusual operating arrangement is shown in this photo.  Crown Zellerbach and other tidewater-to-inland logging railways almost always ran their steam locomotives with the smoke box oriented upgrade for best firebox crownsheet coverage, and that front-to-the-woods plan was carried through into the diesel era.  However, to counter increased wheel wear on one side of 4097, it was run short-nose-upgrade for several months, and I was fortunate to catch several examples of that.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ken Perry all rights reserved.

Caption: Westward from Ladysmith, Crown Zellerbach’s log-haul railway ascended to Nanaimo Lakes, so what was rain down at Ladysmith often fell as snow farther up. That was the case on Wednesday 1976-02-25 as ALCo RS-3 4097 (ex D&H 4117) hauled empty log flats across a timber trestle over Boulder Creek at mileage 12.2 enroute a reload up at Nanaimo Lakes.

An unusual operating arrangement is shown in this photo. Crown Zellerbach and other tidewater-to-inland logging railways almost always ran their steam locomotives with the smoke box oriented upgrade for best firebox crownsheet coverage, and that front-to-the-woods plan was carried through into the diesel era. However, to counter increased wheel wear on one side of 4097, it was run short-nose-upgrade for several months, and I was fortunate to catch several examples of that.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Ken Perry [207] (more) (contact)
Date: 1976-02-25 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: CZ 4097 (search)
Train Symbol: Log empties west (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Nanaimo Lakes (12.2) (search)
City/Town: Cassidy (nearest) (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55730
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Photo ID: 54408

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Got no words for how much I love this shot. Wow!

  2. Really like this, railroading carries on no matter the weather

  3. Merry Christmas, Ken !! And best of 2025 to you.

  4. This is very pretty! Merry Christmas Ken.

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