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I'm throwing back 11 years because I think I'd like to play a game of "what's changed" in this photo. I'll start by saying.. no electric vehicles in this shot. How's that for a starter? Add your comments below on what you notice. This was me with my family in tow heading to Sarnia on a Saturday for our Christmas weekend and back then Saturday runs were almost a sure bet. A Pair of GP7's were the power, and funny enough, I was the only photographer. I chased to Woodstock then had to bolt for Sarnia as we had Christmas festivities planned. Merry Christmas to all Railpictures.ca viewers and photographers. Wishing everyone a healthy happy and prosperous 2025.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: I'm throwing back 11 years because I think I'd like to play a game of "what's changed" in this photo. I'll start by saying.. no electric vehicles in this shot. How's that for a starter? Add your comments below on what you notice. This was me with my family in tow heading to Sarnia on a Saturday for our Christmas weekend and back then Saturday runs were almost a sure bet. A Pair of GP7's were the power, and funny enough, I was the only photographer. I chased to Woodstock then had to bolt for Sarnia as we had Christmas festivities planned. Merry Christmas to all Railpictures.ca viewers and photographers. Wishing everyone a healthy happy and prosperous 2025.

Stephen C. Host [1541] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/28/2013 (search)
Railway: Ontario Southland (search)
Reporting Marks: OSR 378 (search)
Train Symbol: Woodstock Turn (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Ingersoll (search)
City/Town: Ingersoll (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55744
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Photo ID: 54422

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  1. There is so much life in this shot…

    This is an “unconventional” photo and so much better for it. It screams Southern Ontario to me. A scene like this is getting harder to find, but roll back through the decades and think about all the places where (with different vehicles of course) you could have found something like this. So many Niagara region places alone.

    This is awesome, and will only become more of a gem with time. Thanks for posting, and Merry Christmas!

  2. No more Sears in my part of the world anymore.

  3. A very nice scene, Steve. Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas!
    Nice picture.
    I think the only business that have not changed are the McDonalds, Subway, Shoppers and the distant bowling alley. The rest have all changed or gone.

  5. No more video shops.

  6. Interesting view with the hustle and bustle of the town.

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