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Has it been enough time yet? Remember when CN Took back the Guelph sub and you couldn't spit without finding either a GMD-1 or some GMTX poo blue units which were leased to cover for the shortline takeovers (GEXR, RLHH). Remember when only locals cared about the Guelph sub and the railfan community didn't go nuts for the Kitchener terminal? There was just a handful of us out most of the time and we were just (re)collecting our CN shots that, some of us (me included) missed the CN action in 1998 or prior. The Guelph sub was just another sleepy secondary line that still didn't attract crowds.. until it did.  The crowds are still coming - this line is quite popular with some crowds down in the US as they figured out why.. and once the pandemic and border restrictions eased, game on - but the GMD1's were gone by then. I did an article on the takeover by CN it for Railpace - I'd be damned if I can find my copy though. Looks like Back issues are sold out too.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Has it been enough time yet? Remember when CN Took back the Guelph sub and you couldn't spit without finding either a GMD-1 or some GMTX poo blue units which were leased to cover for the shortline takeovers (GEXR, RLHH). Remember when only locals cared about the Guelph sub and the railfan community didn't go nuts for the Kitchener terminal? There was just a handful of us out most of the time and we were just (re)collecting our CN shots that, some of us (me included) missed the CN action in 1998 or prior. The Guelph sub was just another sleepy secondary line that still didn't attract crowds.. until it did. The crowds are still coming - this line is quite popular with some crowds down in the US as they figured out why.. and once the pandemic and border restrictions eased, game on - but the GMD1's were gone by then. Noe did an article on the takeover with contributions from myself and Jason Bartlett for Railpace - I'd be damned if I can find my copy though. Looks like Back issues are sold out too. here's a link to the issue

Stephen C. Host [1541] (more) (contact)
Date: 1/26/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1439 GMTX POO (search)
Train Symbol: L568 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 79 Guelph Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Shakespeare (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55964
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  1. aaand the GATXs look far more atrocious now!

  2. We didn’t have much time to photograph the CN GMD1′s on the Guelph Subdivision before retirement, but I’ll take what we got for sure.

    And great shot Steve. Can’t beat that lighting.

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