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A photo from a time when I took no notes and used only print film. The negative is in rough condition and the picture shows it (this being my only shot of it, the other previous photo has it in the trees). My interest in fixing it up and posting? From a moderate search that satisfied my feelings that the 9150 is not an easy F7a to find photos of. Here it is leading 584, the grain train, as it approaches the trestle over the Redwater river. Checking on the CNRHA, the 9150 was previously the 9084 and left service in May, 1972 to be rebuilt. In this photo, the year may be 1983, although 1982 could be a possibility. It will be retired as an A unit in the fall of 1984 and converted to a B unit. Please see my neighbouring photo for the rest of the caption. Thanks.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Priest all rights reserved.

Caption: A photo from a time when I took no notes and used only print film. The negative is in rough condition and the picture shows it (this being my only shot of it, the other previous photo has it in the trees). My interest in fixing it up and posting? From a moderate search that satisfied my feelings that the 9150 is not an easy F7a to find photos of. Here it is leading 584, the grain train, as it approaches the trestle over the Redwater river. Checking on the CNRHA, the 9150 was previously the 9084 and left service in May, 1972 to be rebuilt. In this photo, the year may be 1983, although 1982 could be a possibility. It will be retired as an A unit in the fall of 1984 and converted to a B unit. Please see my neighbouring photo for the rest of the caption. Thanks.

L. Priest [315] (more) (contact)
Date: Summer 1983? (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9150 (search)
Train Symbol: 584 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Redwater (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39444
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Photo ID: 38250

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  1. It might seem ‘rough’ to you but, hey, this is a rather nice photo. Thanks for posting.

  2. Thank you Arnold. Your comment is very much appreciated. :-) I love the old style crossbucks and the girth of the post holding them up. LOL.

    Oh, silly me, just looked at the notes on my table. I should mention that the following unit is the 9163, for those that are interested.

  3. Beautiful image!

  4. Thank you for this photo!!! This brings back so many memories of how I remember railfanning in the early 80s. Love those F units….and the crossbuck too!! :)

  5. Your welcome Todd and many thanks to you and Marcus for the swell comments. I also have a few photos of the 9179. I will prep one of them, and in a sense, bookend the great second life CN gave these units through rebuilding.

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