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An eastbound CN train over 90% tank cars is moving again after halting briefly near the signals at the west end of CN Bayview (Junction).
Second unit BCOL 4615 now wears the WWW.CN.CA scheme (in capitals).  There's no buffer car before the head end tank cars and no hazmat placards, so I think they are empty.  Further back were covered hoppers (buffer cars) before another set of tanks - placards included 1075 (liquified petroleum gas) and 1005 (ammonia). I recall there were also several flatcar loads of truck frames, more tank cars, and one or more covered hoppers at end of train.  
Think I heard 602 axles from Oakville sub mp33 detector, which equals 3 x 6-axle locos and 146 x 4-axle cars.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: An eastbound CN train over 90% tank cars is moving again after halting briefly near the signals at the west end of CN Bayview (Junction).

Second unit BCOL 4615 now wears the WWW.CN.CA scheme (in capitals).
There's no buffer car before the head end tank cars and no hazmat placards, so I think they are empty.
Further back were covered hoppers (buffer cars) before another set of tanks - placards included 1075 (liquified petroleum gas) and 1005 (ammonia). I recall there were also several flatcar loads of truck frames, more tank cars, and one or more covered hoppers at end of train.
Think I heard 602 axles from Oakville sub mp33 detector, which equals 3 x 6-axle locos and 146 x 4-axle cars.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 2019-07-10 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 8804, BCOL 4615, CN 2588 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Sub 0.3 (search)
City/Town: Hamilton West (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38144
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Photo ID: 36951

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  1. BCOL 4615 received CN paint mid to late 2008 and is still stenciled BCOL under the unit number on the cab sides.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Better if I omitted “now” from that sentence.
    BC Rail’s sale to CN was announced in late November 2003. It’s nice that there are still a fair number of BC Rail red, white and blue units around, some with good paint.

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