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BCOL 4618 and CN 2450 are the latest units to join their former running mates at SLM Recycling.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Terry O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: BCOL 4618 and CN 2450 are the latest units to join their former running mates at SLM Recycling.

Terry O'Shell [162] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/29/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: BCOL 4618, CN 2450 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Canal Sub. Mile 7.7 (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52777
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Photo ID: 51469

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  1. Timely capture Terry! Three more units were set off during mid afternoon on the 29th albeit via switch 33 (track next to Fonthill Lumber). Yesterday GIO arrived SLM Recycling with a single unit and a few gons. Interestinly, they reversed through switch 31′s alignment removing the 9 units parked next to the compound and set the 10 units and gons on 33 track. I have observed 6 units being delivered and then with luck the ‘big’ move yesterday.

  2. Wow, CN is really cleaning house. Any word on replacements or have they been on the deadline for awhile? Nice angle Terry.

  3. Pity some of these discarded units have a cleaner paint than many of the active engines.

  4. @awmooney Wonder if it’s an indication of bad paint work on say the GP38-2′s or the longevity of those units compared to the ones being scrapped here?

  5. I don’t know what the score was, Brad, but every time I see a good solid paint on these locos I am reminding of the cheap watercolour paint on CN SD75I units, the 9500/9600 CP and many CSX all from that same era. The stuff wouldn’t last 5 years. Looked more like an embarrassing way of trying to save money on good paint than anything else; and made for disappointing photos when one of these ‘washed out specials’ was on the lead.

  6. Thanks guys. The move yesterday would have been quite the sight to see. I drove by SLM twice on Tuesday about 1000h and 1300h. I should have made one last drive by on my way back from Feeder about 1600h before heading home.

  7. @awmooney I have a CN SD75I model running current day. Does that mean I have to fade the hell out of the paint? ;)

  8. BCOL 4618 managed to elude being scrapped here, it was picked back up by CN and sent to the Alberta Railway Museum!

  9. Thanks for the update, I’m glad it found a home. On September 15th, 2023 I was surprised to see BCOL 4618 trailing DIT on 422 through Burlington heading toward MacYard, final destination unknown at the time. I shot some photos and a video as 422 passed under Dundas St. heading toward Tansley.

    When I stopped at SLM Recycling on Thursday of this week I saw sister unit BCOL 4619 in BC Rail colour first up facing north along with CN 2402, CN 2036 and CN 2037 sitting in the service track.

  10. 4618 was shipped here by mistake, it was never owned by SLM and not part of the auction.

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