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Boundary Trail Railway Company began operations about 15 years ago (2009, using the former CP La Riviere Sub. This all came about when CP no longer wanted the line and farmers were concerned about getting their grain to market.  So they got together and bought the 23 mile stretch of track.  Problem was, they knew squat about running a railroad. They were helped out by the Northern Plains Railroad just to the south in the USA, who ran a similar operation. Consider this great teamwork by a group of individuals who did not let the fact there was a border between them matter.
Matt Watson impressed me with his posting of the new paint scheme on the BTRC #4625.  I had to go and see this for myself and was surprised to see a very nicely painted NPR unit there as well. This paint scheme I believe is unique on the NPR.  I'm guessing the grain crop this year needed some locomotive assistance !!
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Boundary Trail Railway Company began operations about 15 years ago (2009, using the former CP La Riviere Sub. This all came about when CP no longer wanted the line and farmers were concerned about getting their grain to market. So they got together and bought the 23 mile stretch of track. Problem was, they knew squat about running a railroad. They were helped out by the Northern Plains Railroad just to the south in the USA, who ran a similar operation. Consider this great teamwork by a group of individuals who did not let the fact there was a border between them matter. Matt Watson impressed me with his posting of the new paint scheme on the BTRC #4625. I had to go and see this for myself and was surprised to see a very nicely painted NPR unit there as well. This paint scheme I believe is unique on the NPR. I'm guessing the grain crop this year needed some locomotive assistance !!

A.W.Mooney [2209] (more) (contact)
Date: 09-07-2024 (search)
Railway: Boundary Trail Railway Company (search)
Reporting Marks: NPR 7278 (search)
Train Symbol: nil (search)
Subdivision/SNS: BTRC La Riviere Sub. (search)
City/Town: Manitou (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55504
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Photo ID: 54182

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. There they are….this company is mysterious to me.

    They bought a large amount of cn gp9 and gmd-1 some scrapped by k&k and some retained….

    Very strange.. because it seems no one was quite sure the motive for all of it.

  2. Very neat capture Arnold. Nice paint scheme too.

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