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Egads!!! THIS they did not show you in the tourist brochures. When I look back at this scene, I can't help but wonder just how they got away with running such a mainline right down the middle of Niagara Falls. A simple derailment could have been catastrophic! It is early summer, it is busy, the traffic is held by stoplights to ensure the gawkers and wanderers do not get run over, and it gave me a great opportunity to grab a shot of this train at a location that usually is difficult due to no parking spots or it is just too busy. ( I am double-parked) The fact that it is around 8PM on a hot Sunday night, and not yet full tourist season, helps my cause as well. Over top the third engine one can see Ripley's at Clifton Hill, which was featured in Mr. Delic's most recent submission. CP 5912, SOO 6623 and CP 5539 power this USA-bound train that no doubt tied up all the road traffic, peeved-off the pedestrians and contributed to giving city management ongoing fits. The railroad is gone from this area now, having lost out to casino development and politics.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Egads!!! THIS they did not show you in the tourist brochures. When I look back at this scene, I can't help but wonder just how they got away with running such a mainline right down the middle of Niagara Falls. A simple derailment could have been catastrophic! It is early summer, it is busy, the traffic is held by stoplights to ensure the gawkers and wanderers do not get run over, and it gave me a great opportunity to grab a shot of this train at a location that usually is difficult due to no parking spots or it is just too busy. ( I am double-parked) The fact that it is around 8PM on a hot Sunday night, and not yet full tourist season, helps my cause as well. Over top the third engine one can see Ripley's at Clifton Hill, which was featured in Mr. Delic's most recent submission. CP 5912, SOO 6623 and CP 5539 power this USA-bound train that no doubt tied up all the road traffic, peeved-off the pedestrians and contributed to giving city management ongoing fits. The railroad is gone from this area now, having lost out to casino development and politics.

A.W.Mooney [2211] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/19/1994 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 5912 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Hamilton sub. (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29284
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Photo ID: 28117

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  1. This is awesome Arnold! It would be so cool if this still happened today. I had dinner last summer, just down the road from where you’re standing…I’d have greatly enjoyed watching a trio of CP’s go rolling by.

  2. Thanks, Jazzy. Even for me it is hard to imagine trains rumbling thru the middle of town as they did.

  3. Man, could you imagine if this was still running? Jimmy Fallon’s biggest supporter Mr Dioddi would have a fit!

  4. Great shot!
    Ah to turn back the clock :(

  5. Simply a beautiful picture – and it helps that you were on the side that the sun was shining on.

  6. When they built the “mainline…. right down the middle of Niagara Falls” there were no automobiles, and the city ( ?town) probably coerced the railway to put it there ( tourist dollars, 7th wonder of the world, crap like that).
    Of course it was a smart move to have it all ripped out and put in casino’s and more tourist traps. How’s that working out for you, Niagara ??

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