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For those of you familiar with shooting black and white; dull day shooting is not the best. Loss of contrast is annoying.  It is even worse shooting with a Speed Graphic using a 4x5 inch negative.  But, always worth the try. Keeping the old clunky style camera steady is the main problem.  This was shot at 100th sec at f5.6. It turned out not too bad at all.  At Parry Sound station, the northbound version of the Toronto 'Canadian' stops for servicing before meeting the Montreal version for connection at Sudbury Jct, then heading to Vancouver. Power is VIA 6306 and 6635. The 6306 was re-manufactured from VIA 6520, eventually ended up as 6520 on the Waterloo & St. Jacobs after a brief stint in Quebec, and as of 2012 now out in Squamish, BC.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: For those of you familiar with shooting black and white; dull day shooting is not the best. Loss of contrast is annoying. It is even worse shooting with a Speed Graphic using a 4x5 inch negative. But, always worth the try. Keeping the old clunky style camera steady is the main problem. This was shot at 100th sec at f5.6. It turned out not too bad at all. At Parry Sound station, the northbound version of the Toronto 'Canadian' stops for servicing before meeting the Montreal version for connection at Sudbury Jct, then heading to Vancouver. Power is VIA 6306 and 6635. The 6306 was re-manufactured from VIA 6520, eventually ended up as 6520 on the Waterloo & St. Jacobs after a brief stint in Quebec, and as of 2012 now out in Squamish, BC.

A.W.Mooney [2157] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/12/1986 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6306 (search)
Train Symbol: #9 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Parry Sound Sub. (search)
City/Town: Parry Sound (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47925
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Photo ID: 46652

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  1. That’s a superb image ! It pinged my memory so a search on ‘6306’ netted this colour image you took on the same day http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45636 and this one the previous day with 6306 leading the southbound Canadian http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22081 Good times in Parry Sound :-)

  2. “Speed Graphics and F-units”. I like!!

  3. Awh, geez. I thought I had posted 6306 before and guess I should have checked. But a different version of the same setting isn’t all that bad. :o )
    Thanks guys,as usual, for appreciation of effort.
    Good Times at the Sound was putting it mildly. I loved it around there when the getting was good.

  4. AWM: No complaints from me, sir ! Parry Sound images, especially from that era, are most welcome sights. I thought it was particularly interesting that 6306 on #10 made it down to Toronto, got serviced and then was put right back on #9 for another cross country run. Pretty good utilization for an old horse.

  5. Thanks. I think I have ‘popped’ quite a few shots from Parry Sound onto this site so far. There’s more. :o )

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