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One of London and Port Stanley Railway's 60-ton GE boxcab electric units, L2, switches their London Yard in 1959. Coupled behind it is flanger car FA1.

[Editor's note, L2, built in 1915, survives today at the Halton County Radial Railway museum]
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: One of London and Port Stanley Railway's 60-ton GE boxcab electric units, L2, switches their London Yard in 1959. Coupled behind it is flanger car FA1.

[Editor's note, L2, built in 1915, survives today at the Halton County Radial Railway museum]

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 00/00/1959 (search)
Railway: London and Port Stanley (search)
Reporting Marks: L&PS L2 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: L&PS London Yard (search)
City/Town: London (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=13450
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Photo ID: 12430

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  1. For a more “modern” image of this unit……

  2. According to another photo from a different photographer (Randy Masales) taken on the same day, this image was likely shot on May 25th 1957 during the excursion. See here

  3. This type of locomotive had four GE 251A 250hp traction motors, 1000hp total. Love the L&PS boxcabs, and the pantograph operation allowing higher speeds & current draw than a trolley pole. Great series of pics on this heavy interurban operation. Be neat if somebody could share some of the 3300VAC St. Clair Tunnel electrification (Ontario had an underwater, international mainline tunnel electrification in 1907 – long before the Channel Tunnel!) Hiawatha Pete. http://northamericabyrail.info

  4. Mom took us kids to Port Stanley on L&PS in the mid 50s

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