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This train headed out on Monday as 836, the jet fuel train, taking loaded tanks to the air force base at Cold Lake. Here it is on Tuesday, returning home as an extra, with grain loads and empty tanks. The consist has the 4609 Ft. McMurray, 4611 Barrhead and the 4345. The ex-NAR units give a twist to elephant style, the 4345 being a long hood forward unit. I have written in my notes that the 4609 was either not running or in idle as it went by, just the rear 2 were pulling. Photo taken almost 3 miles west of Redwater at 12:30.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Parks all rights reserved.

Caption: This train headed out on Monday as 836, the jet fuel train, taking loaded tanks to the air force base at Cold Lake. Here it is on Tuesday, returning home as an extra, with grain loads and empty tanks. The consist has the 4609 Ft. McMurray, 4611 Barrhead and the 4345. The ex-NAR units give a twist to elephant style, the 4345 being a long hood forward unit. I have written in my notes that the 4609 was either not running or in idle as it went by, just the rear 2 were pulling. Photo taken almost 3 miles west of Redwater at 12:30.

L. Parks [315] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/30/1985 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4609 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Redwater (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39907
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Photo ID: 38708

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  1. Oh Man !!!!

  2. Thanks Arnold. :-)
    Checked out a little history on the 4609 & 4611. The 4609 was converted to a slug (sad) and I have not seen a slug in Edmonton for some several months. Likely it is gone. On a happier note, the 4611 was rebuilt to the 7225, which has been sold to IBCX. On RR Picture Archives (see links below) it was still in operation on Nov.29/2019, YAY!
    Cab end view
    Long hood end view

  3. Amazing stuff, Larry. Not much more to say than that!

  4. Thanks James. When there was only a handful of GP9′s on the NAR, it’s cool that there still is one riding the rails at this time.

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