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Just to keep the ducks in a row for anyone reading the caption, Trillium’s interchange is handled down at Feeder.
That is a rare bird for sure….nice catch
VERY nice. Thats not an easy shot.
Carson an interchange is railway speak for a location where cars are interchanged between two railways.
I think by interchange Carson means to deliver to the customer.
As for 108, just come back in a few months or next year, perhaps 108 will be out at that time. Trillium certainly rotates their favourites.
the GMTX will be a big favourite now since it has air conditioning
But then job 2 has to take the next ALCO
Nice! I only have one shot out of here so far.
The 108 is still running almost daily in the Welland Pt Colbourne area. Trillium has a new operating base off of Phillips road south of the CP Welland Yard, a good place to start in the early light times lately
By way of an update. Canadian Erectors is under Bankrupt protection and shut down at this point.
#108 is parked at the old Stelpipe plant near Welland, the plant is being demolished. 108 handles switching at CN Southern yard since the departure of MP15 #340
Nothing in the news, or on any Canerector page about this, and no company approved for CCAA as per https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/bsf-osb.nsf/eng/h_br02281.html
it might not be bankruptcy it might be a private re-structuring for all we know.
The updates are appreciated and I’ll dig deeper into this, will make a few calls in the morning to find out
The new company is http://www.niagarastructuralsteel.com/
I did dig deeper. The canerector shut down manufacturing in st Catharine’s but the office remained open. Fabrication likely moved to another facility.
They did open a structural steel facility aftet and is part of the canerectors group
I’d chalk this to an internal restructuring of canerectors business. They are still hunting for more acquisitions: