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Great catch, great photo Arnold! Nice to see that there is still action here. Interesting I find that the crossbuck signs have not been switched out to the ‘red and white’ frequently used these days.
Thanks, Todd. I don’t think the crossbucks will ever be changed. They’re probably just manually protect the crossing once the signals are eventually removed…….or stolen.
Storage cars?
Congratulations on this great catch. The track rehabilitation has finally paid dividends. Looking forward to seeing a few moves on this stretch of track. The cats-eye crossbucks and track sign sure look nice.
There are about 30+ tank cars on two tracks over by the north end in front of the entrance to the Hayes-Dana. The engine brought three into the Bioveld complex, then rolled out across the street and the switch was lined to the closest track you can see in the foreground and went back in to pick up two more cars. Unfortunately for us watching the proceedings; the conductor came out and told us they were done for the day there as he locked up the gates.
Would that be Tammy leaning against the other signal. Bruce
This is interesting. I saw the video on Youtube (Arnold you’re famous) but what is most interesting is how they are not using 1305. Makes you wonder why 4003 is even there, perhaps Trillium won’t use a locomotive not owned by them?
That plus the 2 other units still on the property mean there are 4 units here now.
Great picture Arnold, so interesting to see “local switching moves” at this new complex, and nice to see 4003 doing the switching. Is the 1305 only for switching within the complex ? Like 4003’s “stealth grey”. Are these tank cars just being stored, or are they bringing in/taking out product ? Thanks for posting.
Maybe 1305 crapped out
1305 is currently no workin !!!
They don’t seem in a hurry to fix it.
The tanks had biodiesel loads in them. Where it goes from there is still a mystery!
Gio should also start switching the old Hayes Dana plant, also part of HOPAS future plans.
A recent local newspaper article suggest the old H-D plant has 11 prospective tenants lined up.Some wanting rail access, some access to the canal.
Time will tell!
Are the signals active? I don’t see a Conductor guarding the crossing so I guess they are. Another good Mr Mooney!
Brad: That is Tammy on the extreme left in the photo. If you watch her video of this subject at TravelingLadyRailFan’ you can see that the crossing is protected by crewman.
@awmooney Wow! A Female railfan? Brilliant!
The pole Tammy is leaning on was down a few days later. Don’t know if a car hit it or what, but a pickup truck stopped and it looked like they were going to haul it off as a “souvenir”.
Arnold, look for it at a train show near you !
The steel mast, cast iron base and light arm would be a good lift for two guys. The signs on the opposite side of the road would be a much better souvenir.
The pole Tammy is leaning on is gone. Only three remain. The site is very active and 4003 is parked to your right behind the fence.
Was by there the other day, Steve. That guy and his woman must have made off with the pole, but I cannot see how they could have lifted it.:o)