Caption: Doing every bit of the allowed Maximum Track Speed of 80 mph, CN Northern 6167 makes a dramatic "run for the hill" as she approaches with a westbound Excursion. So much has changed since 1963. 6167 resides in Guelph, Port Union station is long gone, the Oshawa Sub is now the Kingston Sub, ABS signals are now CTC, and the GO Rouge Hill station would be just to the tail-end of 6167's train now.
Now thats a treat!!! Great action shot.
Thanks !! So often I’ve admired your shots, and probably like you, have often said –
” oh to have had digital back then ” !!
Hey Arnold! Check out that yellow enamel sign on the end of the station!
She should go back into the shops for refurbishing and operation. Great shot of hot steam!
Hey, Paul!!! Yeah, bright and shiny. I see something very familiar about that sign. Thanks!!!
Wonderful, Steve ! A decade earlier, it could easily be an extra section of the morning pool train from Montreal. So nice to see a working order board and those typical CN 3-aspect ABS signals. Look at that white smoke lying back over the train, no cross wind today, and judging from the colour of that exhaust, the fireman is firing her beautifully – must be a steam era guy ! Am I ever glad as a teenager to have hung around Port Union station ! for posting, John