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Work horses of a different time. We are in Mennonite country and these people work their fields like so many did at the turn of 20th century. Here a farmer plows his field with 6 horses, meanwhile in the background the crew of the Ontario Southland continues its journey west to St. Thomas along the Cayuga Sub with a combined 2400 horses at the hoggers finger tips. Doubtful he will have to unleash them all, for too long anyway as they only have two cars in tow. The hopper from Courtland, the tank from Tillsonburg.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Young all rights reserved.

Caption: Work horses of a different time. We are in Mennonite country and these people work their fields like so many did at the turn of 20th century. Here a farmer plows his field with 6 horses, meanwhile in the background the crew of the Ontario Southland continues its journey west to St. Thomas along the Cayuga Sub with a combined 2400 horses at the hoggers finger tips. Doubtful he will have to unleash them all, for too long anyway as they only have two cars in tow. The hopper from Courtland, the tank from Tillsonburg.

David Young [280] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/11/2019 (search)
Railway: Ontario Southland (search)
Reporting Marks: OSRX 1249 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Cayuga Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Malahide Township (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37331
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Photo ID: 36139

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  1. Nicely done, David.

  2. Very nice. All those footprints, and they are not carbon. :o ) Lesson here.

  3. This is an excellent image. Great work David!

  4. Excellent.

  5. Great shot!! They could very well be work horses of an equal time…. those SW1200′s are 50′s era. I’m sure horse drawn farm equipment was still common back then.

  6. I’ve perused many photos here, this appears to be a one of a kind photo. A hole in one of rail photos, job excellently done. :-)

    To bcr_766, our milk delivery (outskirts of SE Edmonton) in the late 50′s was by horse drawn milk wagon. I used to go out and pet the horses while the milkman made his delivery.

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