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Last CN Passenger service at Palmerston, part 3.  Three CN railiners meet on the Newton Sub platform at Palmerston, preparing to go their separate ways for the final time.  In the middle, an RDC-1 from Owen Sound (formerly train 672) was the first to arrive at 0655h, followed by RDC-1 6118 from Kincardine at 0700h (formerly train 662, furthest from the camera).  The final movement to arrive at 0705h, RDC-2 6354 from Southampton (formerly train 668), has been added to the front of the Owen Sound car awaiting departure.  In just a few minutes at 0715, passenger service will cease as Extra 6354 departs for Toronto via Guelph (former train 658) and Extra 6118 departs for Stratford (former train 663).John Freyseng Photo, David Warne Collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Freyseng; David Warne Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: Last CN Passenger service at Palmerston, part 3. Three CN railiners meet on the Newton Sub platform at Palmerston, preparing to go their separate ways for the final time. In the middle, an RDC-1 from Owen Sound (formerly train 672) was the first to arrive at 0655h, followed by RDC-1 6118 from Kincardine at 0700h (formerly train 662, furthest from the camera). The final movement to arrive at 0705h, RDC-2 6354 from Southampton (formerly train 668), has been added to the front of the Owen Sound car awaiting departure. In just a few minutes at 0715, passenger service will cease as Extra 6354 departs for Toronto via Guelph (former train 658) and Extra 6118 departs for Stratford (former train 663).

John Freyseng Photo, David Warne Collection slide.

John Freyseng; David Warne Collection [578] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/24/1970 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6354, CN 6xxx, CN 6118 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 6354 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Newton Sub (search)
City/Town: Palmerston (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50370
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  1. Part 1: arrival from Owen Sound: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45100

    Part 2: arrival from Southampton: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=48776

  2. How many people rode these last trips?

  3. Once so easy to string a passenger network. The more we embrace “progress” the worse it gets.

  4. Isn’t it great how we rid ourselves of all this antiquated infrastructure?
    I’m sure glad we live in a world where value is determined by Wall St financiers.

  5. Really nice image John, tail end of an important era for Palmerston

  6. I rode this train a couple of months before it vanished from Brampton to Union Station in Toronto. A few people on board, but not enough to keep it going.

  7. Fantastic image.

  8. Thank you for your nice comments, it was a last minute decision to get up very early in the morning and glad that I did. It helped that I was staying overnight near Shelbuurne, not too far a drive to Palmerston, John

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